
Konopišťská 905, 256 01 Benešov, Czechia +420 317 977 111

Warm, friendly people make up the charming community of Benešov, Czech Republic, which was founded in the 11th century.

Benešov (pronounced BEN-eh-shov) is located in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic, just a short 25-mile drive from the nation’s capital, Prague, and its many cultural and historical attractions.

Guarding Benešov and rooted in the city’s history is the Konopiště Castle. It was built at the beginning of the 14th century as a gothic fortress to guard the town. The most famous owner was archduke Franz Ferdinand, a successor to the Austro-Hungarian throne whose assassination in Sarajevo in 1914 led to World War I.

  • What’s here: Cream cheese, yogurt
  • Part of Schreiber since 2014

Od roku 1945 se naše společnost hodně změnila. Zůstáváme však věrní naší základní hodnotě, kterou je čestnost, a jsme i nadále odhodláni postupovat vždy poctivě.